We see our strength in our ability to provide focused 
and targeted advice, and in our independence.

AMC Economics is an economic consulting firm that specialises in supporting clients and their competition lawyers in antitrust and merger control investigations.

About AMC Economics

AMC Economics was launched in 2011, with primary focus on cases before the European Commission (DG Competition) and the UK competition authorities (OFT and Competition Commission, now replaced by the CMA).

Established by founding partner Paul Hofer, its approach is based on quick identification and targeted factual testing of what ultimately matters in a given case, informed by economic principles and focused quantitative analysis.


Paul Hofer, Founding Partner


Paul has over 20 years' experience as a consultant and competition economist. He has worked on over 100 competition policy investigations and been the lead economic adviser on many high profile cases (including several phase II reviews at the European Commission). Global Competition Review's Who's Who of Competition Economists has listed him since 2006.

In addition to his consulting work, Paul has spoken at conferences and seminars throughout Europe, and from 2010 to 2016 he taught the economics of merger control at the Brussels School of Competition.  He has also published on a range of topics in competition policy.

Paul holds an MA in Economics (First Class) from Cambridge, an MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (with Distinction) from the London School of Economics, and a Postgraduate Diploma in EC Competition Law (with Distinction) from King’s College, London.

Before founding AMC Economics, he worked at NERA Economic Consulting in London and Brussels, and at LBE in Oxford.

Paul Hofer
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